Friday, 22 June 2012

How to Create a Google Chrome Theme

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How to Make a Google Chrome Theme – Google Chrome has had support for themes for a few years now and there are some fascinating ones in the Web Store. But the Chrome team has come up with something that’s even better than having access to a ton of themes, the ability to make one yourself.
There’s now an app, dubbed My Chrome Theme which enables you to make a new theme in minutes and only three steps. Granted, it’s not going to get you the most elaborate theme out there, but there are still plenty of possibilities.

Create a Google Chrome How to Create a Google Chrome Theme

You can upload your own custom social class image, which will show up in the new tab page, and customize the colors of active tabs, social class tabs and the tab bar. Once you’re done, you can share your theme with friends. Check out the step by step guide in the gallery below.


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