Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Facebook VS SiteTalk Free Earning Comparison

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We are introducing new web community called SiteTalk. SiteTalk is web community similar to Facebook, Twitter, MySpace or others social web communities that are bringing together people all round the globe. SiteTalk has one major difference and that is that we as users are building SiteTalk as we go along.

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SiteTalk has everything fun, shopping, education, investments, travel, on line banking and lots and lots more as well as building system SiteTalk can be for all of us a business venture and opportunity. SiteTalk is first web community in the world that has rewarding system in place for all that join the network and helps to spread it around. SiteTalk business model is unique in the world, because it combines web, multilevel and traditional direct marketing.

So for practical example we will be looking on Facebook case:
It all begun in 2004 and today it has more than 400.000.000 users world wide. Only in years 2008 and 2009 it has triplet his value from 5 to 15 billion USD. In the year 2007 has as strategic partner joint the venture Microsoft company which has spent 246 million USD for only 1,6 % share ownership. Can you imagine what would be the value of the shares today if you only had them at that time? It's very similar with all other communities.

So SiteTalk has been created in November 2009 and has now at this point in May 2011 more that 45,00000 active users. Our calculations shows that SiteTalk will have by the end of this year more than 10 million and by the end of the next year more that 100 million active users.

you can join here for free !!!!



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