The PEW Survey was published on June 21st and I sent you an 11 point summary yesterday. Our party leaders, opinion makers and those who speak in public should have more statistics in their knowledge. I normally prepare a review for the CEC but events are moving fast in Pakistan and therefore all of you must have complete information of this 66 page report. It is tragic that the newspapers have ignored it, therefore your role and that of our Media Cell becomes all the more important. The facts are being submitted as follows:
A PEW survey which was released on June 21st 2010 was conducted in April and May of this year. This organisation has done surveys globally and in Pakistan since 2001. As I am a student of statistics and teach the subject also to my Post Graduate (FCPS) students, I can safely state that the PEW methodology is sound and the survey is statistically very significant.
Mr Imran Khan's popularity is the highest among all leaders for the first time in the history of their surveys conducted over the last many years. Most of the questions are post Osama death. The salient features are as follows:
1. Imran Khan is increasingly popular in Pakistan. 68% have a favorable view of Khan (up from 52% in 2010). Imran Khan is widely popular across both main political parties; 81% of PML-N supporters and 61% of PPP supporters give him a favorable rating.
2. Nawaz Sharif's figures are poorer than last year: 63% express a positive opinion, down from a year ago when 71% held this view.
3. Gen. Kiyani is at 52% (down from 61% in 2010)
4. CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry is at 51% (down from 61%)
5. Prime Minister Gilani is at 37% (down from 59%)
6. President Zardari is at 11% (down from 20% in 2010 and from 64% in 2010). 63% from PPP dislike him
7. 69% want U.S. and NATO troops out of neighboring Afghanistan.
8. 62% oppose U.S. anti-terrorism efforts.
9. 92% are dissatisfied with the country's direction
10. 85% say the economic situation in Pakistan is bad
11. 60% think the economy will worsen in the next 12 months; only 13% believe it will improve.
12. What are the problems in Pakistan? 97% consider inflation as a big problem, 91% say crime is a major problem too, 89% consider lack of jobs, 88% terrorism, and 79% consider that corrupt political leaders are a big problem
13. 85% Pakistanis say suicide bombing and other violent acts against civilians in defense of Islam are never justified. A major change from 2002 when only 38% said this
14. Only 6% view US as a partner of Pakistan and 69% consider it as an enemy
15. 18% think that Pakistan government knew that Osama was hiding in Abottabad
16. Only 37% support army action in FATA and KPK (down from 53%)
17. 12 % give a favorable rating to Al Qaida and Taliban and majority do not like them. More support for Lashkar Taiba at 27%
18. 62% oppose US war on Terror and 69% want it to leave Afghanistan
19. India is considered a bigger threat (57%) than Taliban (19%)
20. 79% believe the military has a good influence on the country, down by 4% (only) after Abottabad action (was 83%)
21. 63% disapprove of US Abottabad action and 57% consider the killing of Osama was a bad thing
22. 97% consider drone strikes as bad
23. 60% have a good opinion of religious leaders
24. More than 70% in Pakistan, Egypt, Jordan, Indonesia, and Turkey have a negative opinion about the US
25. Both Pakistanis and Indians are very negative about each other and both want improvement in relations.
This survey shows that PTI has consistently reflected public opinion and in fact as the surveys have come later and our point of view has been expressed earlier, I must say that people have also followed and adopted PTI and Imran Khan's point of view. A leadership which is truly inspirational.
Yours Sincerely,
Administrator PTI & ISF Orkut Community
Chudhary Muhammad Saud Al Faisal
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